Posted on: February 16, 2019 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

A new decade is rolling out and there’s no better way to celebrate than spending the night with friends and family. Laugh, play games, eat snacks and take pictures! It’s not easy to get the perfect selfie with another human being; it’s even harder to get a perfect selfie with your pet!

We’ve come up with a few tricks to help you keep your pets attention and get them looking at the camera!

  1. Hold a treat! Grab one of your pet’s favourite treats and hold it in your hand with your phone so they look in the right direction.
  2. Stick a squeaker! Tape a squeaker to the holder on the back of your phone (if you have one) and squeak it just before you take the photo.
  3. Wrap a wire! Attach a wire cat toy to your phone holder (or wrap it on your hand) so it bounces around above your phone to get the big eye stare from your cat; you might even get a cute paw reaching up in your photo!
  4. Play a sound! Choose a sound your pet is interested in and play it through your phone to get their attention
  5. Sneak a selfie! Wait until your pet is asleep and then sneak up slowly, crouch next to them and snap a photo!
  6. Hold tight! If your pet will let you, hold them in position by their collar or if they are small enough, pick them right up so they can’t run from the camera!

Have you figured out any tricks to getting the perfect selfie with your pet? Do you have any selfie fails? Share them with us on Facebook!


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